Emily Rose

Emily Rose's Posts

  • Design Clinic

    When Gary Milici of Coastline Construction began work on this 1925 kitchen, he and his team were challenged by the small breakfast nook connected to the kitchen via a narrow arched doorway. The homeowners did not have any suggestions, so the crew began work on the main part of the kitchen without finalizing a design for the nook.

  • When Josh Baker, Lawrence Weinberg, and their company, BOWA Builders, were named Big50 in 1992, they already had strong numbers and a great approach to their work. In recent years, however, they've taken steps to ensure that all their employees share their commitment and vision by clarifying their “Core Ideology.”

  • Field Notes

    The Home Depot has introduced a new rental excavator to make life easier for remodelers who occasionally need an excavator for tight spaces.

  • This type of marketing tactic works well for two reasons: It ups Blue Ridge's name recognition in the neighborhood, and it satisfies the desire of most contented homeowners to parade their new remodel in front of the neighbors a bit.

  • Bottom Line

    Endless phone calls. Extra trips to the site. Irate, tired-of-waiting customers. All of these problems worsen when a budget question crops up mid-project and goes unresolved for a period of time because only the company owner can answer it.

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