Gabriella M. Filisko

Gabriella M. Filisko's Posts

  • Help protect your company from a visit by immigration officers by making sure all employees are here legally.

  • Drawing attention to yourself in a sea of booths at a home show is the first battle in the sales wars.

  • There's nothing you could give Kip Lee to get him to stop offering a discount to customers who appear on his showroom doorstep. "Our closing percentage almost doubles -- it's more than 50% -- when consumers come to the showroom," says the owner of Coastal Empire Exteriors, in Savannah, Ga.

  • Here's a sure way to lose a sale: Show that you're irritated by the homeowners' pets.

  • Scott Young has had a referral program for about 10 years that, depending on the size of the project, pays installers $25 to $125 for every lead that results in a sale.

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