Joseph Schuler Jr.

Joseph Schuler Jr.'s Posts

  • When Jim Sasko (Big50 2002) of Teakwood Builders returned to Saratoga Springs, N.Y., from a business/pleasure trip to Mexico, he learned a client, a health practitioner, had been charged with double billing patients.

  • When Mike Klein, his late father, Burt, and Seymour Turner were named Big50 in 1989, their Chicago-area company, Airoom Inc., had been in business for 31 years. Its 25 office staff and subcontracted field crew completed $6 million in business.

  • The salespeople at Kirk Development Co. carry S-video cables in their briefcases to connect laptops to client televisions on second and third sales calls.

  • Sales Marketing

    Is your office clean and professional? Are there weeds outside, or litter? Are office windows clean? Are signs broken? (All these things could indicate sloppy service.) What do offices look like in off hours? Are the lights working? Are materials left about?

  • Sales Marketing

    Swords and shields don't have much place in modern business ó or do they? Byrne Brothers Construction in Allentown, N.J., wants to bring that Old World ethic to today's work environment.

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