Joseph Schuler Jr.

Joseph Schuler Jr.'s Posts

  • One-third of the biggest Standard & Poor's companies are family businesses, and on four economic indicators they outperform the other two-thirds. This is according to studies by Temple and American Universities, detailed in a November 2003 BusinessWeek article, that say one of the biggest strategic advantages a company has is bloodlines.

  • If you want to use the time prospects would otherwise spend listening to static to your advantage, do what Scott Mosby of Mosby Building Arts did: produce a low-cost phone message that dovetails with all your marketing. Mosby's three-minute, looping on-hold message is a marketing tour de force.

  • Remodelers Bob and Sue Fleming of Classic Remodeling & Construction, Charleston, S.C., give a company "branded" box containing three bottles of wine (from Sue's cousin's winery) to clients whose jobs they just completed.

  • Not warmed by Wisconsin weather, Patrick Benkowski (Big50 1997) sold his share in Custom Design Associates to his brother Mark and headed for Arizona. In Arizona, Benkowski rides one of his six motorcycles year-long and also runs, single-handedly, Roadrunner Custom Remodeling, in Fountain Hills.

  • Finding a good Web site designer is like finding a good remodeler: You get what you pay for.

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