Here are the five things that salespeople hate the most: contract cancelled; can't get sold deal financed; appointment doesn't include all decision-makers; appointment is a no-show; company sales meeting.
Sometimes, in the middle of a presentation, with both homeowners present, one suddenly gets up and leaves. This can happen for any number of reasons. For instance, one spouse has to take a child to sports practice or start dinner.
I have always found that certain sayings or quotes strike some mysterious internal chord that causes light bulbs to go off. Some spark new ways of thinking about familiar problems; others serve to guide me through really tough decisions in a world that can be very complex and confusing. The following are a few of my favorite quotes that have some relevance for your remodeling business. These may not resonate for you the way they do for me; I'm sure you have your own favorites. The important point, however, is to understand the power of quotes and see how to use them to your advantage.
Sometimes, in the middle of a presentation, with both homeowners present, one or the other buying party suddenly gets up and leaves. This can happen for any one of a number of reasons.