Steve Easley is principal of Steve Easley Associates, a company based in Scottsdale, Ariz., that provides building-science consulting, training, and quality assurance for builders nationwide.
In more than 25 years of consulting with builders on ways to avoid callbacks, Steve Easley has spent his time solving problems related the heat and moisture transfer, because this is where builders — even very good builders who deliver well-appointed homes to the coastal elite — most often get things wrong. With tougher requirements for the Energy Star label substantially raising the bar for thermal and moisture building performance, however, that scenario may be changing. Easley makes a case for using closed-cell spray foam (ccSPF) to correct insulation woes as he highlights some of the most frequent problem areas addressed by the EPA's Thermal Bypass Checklist Guide.
Along the coast where wind-blown rain is a regular weather feature, it's no surprise to builders that the exterior of a home must be carefully detailed to manage water. Properly installed housewrap and flashing are the key elements of an effective water-resistive barrier. But rainwater is not the only moisture source, explains building-science consultant Steve Easley. The air itself, particularly the humid air associated with coastal regions, carries a significant moisture load as well. This means that sealing up air leaks is a vital step to managing moisture.
What starts out as a selling opportunity—visible evidence of energy-wasting windows—can turn around and bite you when condensation persists after new units have been installed.
Callbacks typically result from three things: poor design, faulty construction, or the actions of a clueless homeowner. While this is true everywhere, coastal environments are a whole lot less forgiving of such errors. Wind-driven rain and infrequent drying opportunities can drive moisture deep into building cavities. Steve Easley explains the most common exterior detail blunders he sees and offers some simple solutions that will fend off moisture problems.