Mac Crawford doesn’t like the “R” word — recession — but he knows how to steer a business through one. “I started in the home building industry in 1972, and there have been about three different sessions of slowdown since then,” says the president of Crawford Builders (center). “When that happens, the tough have to get tough.”

Mac’s son, Chip (left), manages the company’s remodeling division with the same attitude. “Dad grew up on a farm and my grandfather always used to say, ‘When the weather gets bad, you go in the shed and sharpen your tools,’” Chip recalls. “We constantly sharpen our business tools to stay on top of the market.”

Today, that means maintaining trusted client relationships — thanks to mom, Terri (right), who serves as office manager and client liaison — and leveraging new office technologies. “We also want our company to stay plugged in and give back to our industry and give back as much as we can,” Chip says. Mac serves as president of the Kentucky Home Builders Association, and Chip was 2008 chairman of the local Remodelers Council.


Notable quotes:
Industry involvement: “If you name it, dad’s done it on a local, state, or national level,” Chip says, “and I’m trying to do that too.”
The economy: Mac believes the pending market rebound will help Crawford Builders sustain its current growth mode. “The worst is over, and the good news is that we still have low interest rates,” he says. “The buying public believes they should be able to get a deal, and we’re working hard to service them at the best value we can. I’ve been asked many times, ‘Should I remodel this year or should I wait?’ If you put it off, you face higher interest rates and inflation, so we’re hoping to see more people start doing their projects now.”

- Lauren Hunter