In 1984, David Cerami (front, in blazer) joined a friend’s cabinet refacing business, Let’s Face It, eventually taking over the company and expanding with Home­Tech  to “pick up where Let’s Face It left off” and reach a broader K&B remodeling market.

The two companies have separate brand identities. The average $16,000 Let’s Face It job usually includes countertops, sink, faucet, and hardware. The company’s full-scale kitchen projects are for older clients in established neighborhoods who want to rework their dated kitchens. Cerami and two designers invest time with clients at the company’s design studio and vendor showrooms to develop the best value for their budget. The minor cross-pollination between the brands is not deliberate. “Most people do not realize they are connected,” Cerami says.

Advise & Sell  HomeTech assists clients with their goals, budget, and selections.