With the holiday craze kicking into full swing, there are questions about what to get for the people in your life. Remodelers Advantage helps ease some of the gift-searching stress with its monthly book recommendations. The list of books includes several with business implications that could help inspire positive change in your company. Here are some of the books the Remodelers Advantage community suggests, either to give or to get.
The One Thing by Gary Keller
This book highlights the importance of not only identifying "the one thing" that will make an impact on your business going forward, but also the importance of scheduling time—and the right time of day—for that area of focus.
Good to Great by Jim Collins
This business classic is well-known and often referred to as required business reading. Getting to a level of success is very difficult. Sustaining it and adapting it over a long period of time and multiple generations is a much greater challenge.
The Knowledge Illusion by Steven Sloman and Phillip Fernbach
A thought-provoking book that helps us see just how much we don't know, and how much of what we think we understand really comes from others. How much does "group think" affect our decisions? How difficult is it for anyone to change what they believe in? We can use knowing what we don't know as a starting point for deciding on what to spend our time learning.
The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch
Part of the Last Lecture Series at Carnegie Mellon University, Randy Pausch was indeed, giving his last lecture. Diagnosed with late stage pancreatic cancer, he used this lecture to impart his philosophy of life. One of the more thoughtful ideas was about being stopped by brick walls. The brick walls we meet can be there to inspire us to overcome them. And, with planning an perseverance, we can do it.
The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
Almost all the patterns that exist in most people's lives—how we eat and sleep and talk to our kids, how we unthinkingly spend our time, attention, and money—are habits we know exist. And once you understand that habits can change, you have the freedom and the responsibility to remake them.