Homeowners are planning remodeling projects at a much higher rate than recent years, according to the quarterly Project Sentiment Tracking Survey from the Home Improvement Research Institute. The survey gauges all elements of projects, from planned project execution to planned budget, from 3,000 homeowners across the country. One goal of the survey is to shed light on motivations and where in the home potential customers are planning to invest.
Study highlights:
- About 75% of homeowners are planning one or more projects in the next three months. This is the highest project planning incidence since tracking began in 2012.
- Top motivators for projects include repair, replacement and routine maintenance.
- The average homeowner plans to complete 4.3 projects in the next three months.
- Top projects include kitchen, windows, driveway, paint exterior and roof.
- The U.S. Northeast region had the nation’s highest percentage of project planners in Q2 2019.