Builders may enter a number of competition categories, sorted by the cost of the project and the type of material used to build it. There also are separate divisions for porches, docks, and lighting, among others. Builders who enter two categories get 50% off the price of an awards ceremony ticket. Those entering five or more categories get free admission.

Winners will be recognized at an awards ceremony in Baltimore on October 6. All entries must be received by Wednesday, August 31, at 11:59 p.m. (no extensions will be granted).

In order to enter, builders must be a current member of NADRA, but if you're not currently a member or need to renew your membership, you can do so at the start of the online registration process. There's no limit on the number of entries that can be submitted. Each carries a $40 entry fee (the manufacturer category fee is $100).

There's more information about the contest at the contest website.

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