In "The Coming Stucco-Pocalypse," Joe Lstiburek goes long and deep on solving... More
One-coat (synthetic) stucco over a cementitious backer board can work well, but it... More
To ensure a waterproof installation, use adhesive between layers of waterproofing... More
How can we build a stucco assembly that will be just as durable and “safe” as a traditional siding house? More
In general, you are always better to cap your parapet walls with metal rather than... More
I was driving by this restaurant remodel the other day and slammed on my brakes! More
To prevent bubbles and voids from forming in the scratch coat, there needs to be a... More
A stucco contractor explains how to patch minor nicks and abrasions in EIFS while... More
Instead of trying to patch a bad stucco cut, cover it with a trim bead. More
The painted finish on my client's recently purchased stucco house is blistering... More