Clear Estimates was built by remodelers, for remodelers and for over 10 years we’ve helped thousands of remodelers and contractors simplify their estimating process. We know you would rather be out in the field than behind a keyboard, so we’ve made Clear Estimates easy to use.
Clear Estimates was originally started as an in-house software for Orfield Remodeling in Minneapolis when the owner’s son (now Owner & CEO) Nolan Orfield, realized that there had to be a better way to estimate projects. Created in-house then expanded through a close-knit group of remodeling contractors, Clear Estimates has the fingerprints of actual remodelers all over it. Over a decade later, Clear Estimates is still leading the industry with easy to use software that has remodelers at the front of their mind.
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Two remodelers have gained productivity and won new jobs thanks to software with built-in templates and data for 12,000 parts
What I Like: Clear Estimates Software
Two small remodelers gain productivity with templates and data for 12,000 parts