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2008 Site Commander Tour: Three for the Road
What do you get when you combine ingenious features, breakthrough products and technologies, amazing craftsmanship, and the best brands in the business? This year's Site Commander. We've built some pretty cool Site Commanders over the eight-year history of this program, but this year tops them all by far. That's because at every stage in the project, everything just clicked together: the ambitious mission, creative ideas, coordinated process, and seamless teamwork. And as you probably know from your own projects, when that happens, you've set yourself up for success.
Pre-Drywall Blower Door Testing
For you guys that build homes for a living, I need to find a way to do a blower door test prior to drywall.
The homes are typical production homes or semi-customs with the insulation on the attic floor.
Let's just say I have all the details figured out for the walls and the floor, after all, we have sheathings
Facebook Can Read your Mind
Or at least it seems that way to me. I noticed a long time ago that if I Googled or visited a site about something, like a new car, hotel, travel, restaurant, etc, that something related would pop up on my Facebook feed. I understand why that happens. But I swear as of late things appear that I've just been