LES CUNNINGHAM: Adjusting to the new normal of a difficult economy means work is harder to come by, but if clients trust you and your company's professionalism, the jobs will come. More
What are your clients thinking? Know what local homeowners want and know your numbers so you can stand firm on price. More
To make sure your business can survive in this economy, you need real-time information about your business's performance. Set up systems that you can expand and upgrade as your company grows. More
Adaptability is the key to surviving in a tough market. Les Cunningham offers tips for making company changes happen and getting employee buy-in. More
Unlearning bad habits picked up during the boom years is the first step to recovery. More
Basic estimating principles for breaking even on your projects. More
Ask yourself these seven key questions when you review your monthly income statement and balance sheet. More
Weekly job status meetings help keep jobs on time and on budget and identify problems before they get out of control. More
Web columnist Rick Provost responds to comments about his blog that cited an industry expert's view that the remodeling industry as we know it is dead. More
Business success depends on your team knowing the answers to these four big-picture questions. More