Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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Lead Exposure: How Much Is Too Much?

CDC presents data on blood lead levels in children and the educational impact More

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CDC: 535,000 Kids Have Blood With Distressingly High Lead Levels

An estimated 535,000 U.S. children aged 1-5 had blood lead levels in 2007-2010 that were high enough to cause concern, a new study by the Centers for Disease Control finds. It says one of the best ways to reduce that risk is to eliminate lead paint hazards in housing. More

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Moisture Barriers and Mold Prevention

Mold has sometimes been blamed for a wide array of health problems ó everything from fatigue to neuropsychiatric disorders ó and while experts can't definitively say that mold doesn't contribute at all to these and other more serious illnesses, a recent study sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention doesn't support the association. More

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