Team Bostonís Solar Decathlon 2009 house aims to prove that good design can save energy and money. More
Minnesota custom home builder Larry Allar stepped across the racetrack at the... More
With the roar of 101,000 NASCAR fans greeting him, Larry Allar stepped across the... More
Unfortunately, I'm not talking about the green stuff you can spend at the store; but, ultimately, the good green things that we do for our planet such as saving trees and reducing landfill. More
A few years ago, my wife, Elaine, and I visited Italy on our first and only vacation abroad to date. We stayed a week in Florence, a city with more art per square foot than anywhere on the planet. More
Earlier this week I saw a news report about how scores of SUV owners are desperately trying to trade-in their gas-guzzlers for smaller, more fuel-efficient vehicles. Most who try are getting below Blue Book value because car dealers believe theyíll be hard to resell. In light of $4-a-gallon fuel prices, this probably doesnít come as a shock to anyone. But it should make you think about the other “SUVs” in your life and work. More
Remodelers can't escape the pressure to build green. It's a no-brainer that using natural and renewable materials and being better stewards of natural resources will reduce our impact on the environment and prove more cost-effective in the long run. More
Higher-end 'home technology' projects demand over-the-top installations that can cost as much as a starter home. But what about your average homeowner who just wants to share the Internet with a couple of computers, or wants a little more control of their lighting so they don't have to walk into a dark house when they get home from work? More
American Forests, a non-profit conservation organization, and Danby Refrigerators have teamed up to produce “Artists for a Cool Planet. More