It's not as fun as a beer cannon, but it might lead to more tornado-resistant homes. More
The key to avoiding disputes is to consistently and thoroughly document job progress. Here's what you should track and the tools you can use to do it. More
Mike Bodkins, president of PAPI (Professionally Applied Products Inc.), an exterior remodeling company in Des Moines, La., estimates he upsells siding products 90% of the time. Then Bodkins took on a steel siding franchise, to round the company's product offering out with what he considers the "premium siding." On sales calls, Bodkins moves prospects to steel or upper-end vinyl by pointing out "why I would personally choose the upper-end product." More
Getting rid of excess moisture around the foundation is key to controlling this pesky insect, but it may not always be enough. Shields and chemical treatments are still important backup measures, according to this nationally recognized entomologist and termite expert. More
Certified eco-friendly lumber, multifamily tax shelter threatened, CAD services, year-end tax checklist More
Green builder programs, builders go on line, American-style framing withstands Japan quake More
Through integrated pest management, the remodeler can make his inner-city projects inhospitable to roaches, but favorable to restaurants and residences. More