Passive House seeks broader appeal; proposed code changes stir controversy in North Carolina; more More
It's good insurance against problems caused by wind-driven rain, but experts wonder whether the additional cost is necessary. More
Class action suit holds that the "green" project rating system is just a marketing gimmick that harms the interests of non-LEED building performance experts. More
It’s long been known that sunlight reflected from low-E windows can melt vinyl siding, but the management of a “green” Las Vegas hotel is confronted by a similar problem on a vastly larger scale. More
Looking to research green strategies for your projects? The Regreen Strategy Generator is an online tool that offers valuable information about green remodeling. More
This historic Santa Barbara boarding house now exceeds LEED Platinum standards, but it took some creativity to make it happen. More
Creative design meets sustainable building in this LEED-Platinum whole-house remodel. More
Determined to use his home as a demonstration of the many green building possibilities, architect Jay DeChesere left no option untouched when designing this LEED-Platinum gut rehab. More
Eligible for LEED points, StrongSeal roofing underlayment is made from recycled tire rubber. More