Anthony Cucciniello

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Pricing Adjustment

This Q&A with Big50 remodelers asks how the economy affects their pricing and bidding. More

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Wireless Wonder

He calls it his “crackberry” óthat's how addicted Anthony Cucciniello is to his Black-Berry. He's never without it, and he has given the handheld wireless device to each of his project managers, lead carpenters, and office staff. More

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Talent on Trial

A good 20% of Anthony Cucciniello's new field employees last just two days, and he likes it that way. More

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Deconstructing Generation X

Gen Xers are entering their peak earning years with a sufficiently different set of experiences and expectations that could rewrite the rules of remodeling relationships. Time to log on, open up, and take the time to explain things. More

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