Anthony Wilder

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Listening to clients promotes organic growth

Truth, dreams, and trust go a long way in the minds of upscale remodeling clients. They also lend themselves to significant projects for remodelers who understand that the upsell ó in fast-food parlance, “Would you like to supersize your order?” ó isn't really about selling at all. It's about listening. More

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Keeping prospects from reeling over the cost

The Challenge: How to keep prospects from reeling with shock over the probable cost of their project. More

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Client reactions to costs

Sticker shock is universal, and clients each respond differently. It's up to you to manage expectations and present cost issues in a way that clients understand and feel comfortable with. More

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Top employees set standards

Each of these employees has been given a certain amount of autonomy by the company owner; each has backup and support from colleagues; each has had training and experience in his or her field, which can be passed on to others; and each buys into the company's culture and vision. More

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Fee (Not So) Simple

For some remodeling clients, the concept of a volume discount extends to remodeling projects. They argue that there are efficiencies of scale or that expensive finishes don't increase a remodeler's risk proportionately. Faced with a design/build remodeling project estimated in the million-dollar range, should you reduce your design fees? More

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Building a client profile

Remodelers like to trust their instincts when it comes to clients. “I'm a natural salesman,” many say. “I know how to work with people. I know how to handle them when they get mad.” But people skills are often more science than art ó when the client is a couple with polar-opposite personalities, for instance, or is difficult to read or impossible to please. More

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Moving on up to your own office

Have you outgrown your home office? It's a sign that the time has come to move out of your home office when you keep being woken at dawn by workers knocking on your bedroom window. Habitually drifting into the office in your pajamas is another red flag, as are subcontractors casually interrupting family meals to get a signature or to pick up a check. More

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Honorable Mention: Grand Opening

Design/Build More

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Designing for Tall People

When two homeowners approached Kary Ewalt of Anthony Wilder Design/Build to do a kitchen remodel, they had several goals in mind. Ewalt measured Lois Alperstein's hips and hands and watched her work at the counter. More

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Reading List

The E-Myth Revisited, by Michael Gerber, reinforced and clarified for me the systems approach to building a business. The Get Hooked On Your Own Ability audiocassettes by Phil Rea offer down-and-dirty sales training that I give to all my designers and sales associates. More

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