Barack Obama

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Product Extra: Stimulus Products

Manufacturers have been busy introducing new products that qualify for federal tax credits. More

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Sorting Out Tax Credits, Mollifying Misinformed Clients

A potential superstar going through an extremely ungainly stage: That might summarize how some remodelers are viewing the energy tax credits and other home-improvement incentives in President Obamaís economic stimulus package, at least at this relatively early stage of the game. More

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President Obama Puts Billions Toward Small-Business Aid

Stimulus money will be used to reduce small-business lending fees and guarantee SBA loans. Take our poll on SBA loans. More

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Don't Wait for Economic Recovery to Come to You. Move Forward Now to Find It for Yourself.

Rather than waiting to see what trickle-down benefits there might be from the economic stimulus package, small-business owners should act now to create a stimulus package of their own. More

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Four Better Years of Construction Education?

Remodeling industry is hopeful that new administration and education secretary will reboot flagging efforts to revitalize vocational education programs. More

Florida's Economy: Yes, It's Bad~
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Timely Statistics That Relate to the Economic Stimulus Package

Statistics about construction job losses, creating "green economy" jobs, and more More

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