Some remodelers haven't given up on print publications as a way to get the word out about their companies, finding it an effective vehicle for building their brand. More
High-end residential remodeling company secures solid foothold in commercial handyman niche. More
What are the prospects for remodeling markets in 2009? Remodelers from across the nation weigh in. More
Some see specialization as the future of the industry, but plenty of remodelers beg to differ with the notion that a jack-of-all trades is a master of none. More
People are deciding to stay in their homes and adding a master suite on as their own personal luxury space. We're seeing natural stone in baths and kitchens, as well as on the fronts of houses. More
When Brad Cruickshank, Cruickshank Inc., designed a large addition for this Dutch colonial in Atlanta, the new space was to include a family room, office, guest bedroom, and garage. More
Anna Mavrakis, TNL Design/Build Canton, Ohio We do charge a design fee for any drawings done for a job. I own two businesses, Monson Interior Design (high-end kitchen and bath design/build) and a kitchen and bath remodeling franchise, DreamMaker Bath and Kitchen. More
Construction drawings are often tricky to interpret. Here’s how to make sure nothing is overlooked. More