Safety expert Brindley Byrd reacts to article about Smithsonian museum asbestos issue. More
Educate your employees about dust control for their health and safety and for the health and safety of your customers. More
If you work in homes built prior to 1978, EPA lead paint regulations affect you. More
Remodelers who lament the challenges of attracting new people to the profession often point to external factors ó the demise of vocational education, the aging workforce, slackened work ethics ó as the causes of their plight. More
We'll address finite solutions to the remodeling workforce in the February issue of REMODELING. In the meantime, we asked some of our sources to think big. Here's some of what they had to say. More
It's been nearly 15 years since Title X of the Housing and Community Development Act ó the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992 ówas signed into law; a decade since the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that contractors would be required to notify homeowners of the potential hazards of remodeling in areas containing lead-based paint. More