Apart from the time and expense involved in a trial, Texas attorney Stephen Bell, of law firm Coats, Rose in Houston, suggests remodelers usually fare better before an arbitrator. "With an arbitrator, a businessperson, the chances of getting a non-emotional result are better," he says.Mike Carden, owner of MUI Corporation, Birmingham, Ala., suggests the arbitration agreement be not just a contract clause but a separate, signed document. More
If we do have a client holding out, I first send out a statement saying there was an unpaid balance. More
Fifty remodelers at the Seniors Housing Symposium in Orlando, Fla., became the first to earn the CAPS -- Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist -- designation from the NAHB Remodelors Council. More
Dan Bawden, owner of Legal Eagle Contractors in Houston, wasn't surprised when his office manager quit the day the 1099s were due. As months passed without a new office manager, Bawden began spending less time with his normal sales and marketing duties and more time at the office "playing catch-up." Now that the administrative functions are under control, Bawden hopes to have a quarterly newsletter ready to go soon. More