Lower property values coupled with restrictive lending practices is leaving more remodelers with the bulk of their sales coming from customers who can self-finance. More
D&J Kitchens & Baths uses a detailed self-assessment form to help screen job applicants. More
California remodeler's two-step hiring process includes 242-task self-assessment form. More
In a tough economy, remodelers are reviewing the value of every promotional dollar they spend. Consumers have changed, and so must remodelers' ways of reaching them. More
For one remodeler, "reverse budgeting" helps clients define and stay within their budget range. More
Using job cost percentages aids one remodeler in value-engineering and helps clients stay on budget. More
What are the prospects for remodeling markets in 2009? Remodelers from across the nation weigh in. More
Remodelers and industry insiders consider the impact of dropping home prices and mortgage interest rates on a potential new sector of remodeling clientele. More
Remodelers who lament the challenges of attracting new people to the profession often point to external factors ó the demise of vocational education, the aging workforce, slackened work ethics ó as the causes of their plight. More