JUDITH MILLER: A set of rules aimed at curing the remodeling industry's dangerous appetitie for growth. More
If you're signing more work, you may need to hire more help. But first you need to figure out how much help you can afford. More
JUDITH MILLER: Many remodelers spent their war chests to survive the economic downturn. Now it's time to replenish that war chest, since you never know when you'll need it. More
A step-by-step guide for creating an outline budget or an itemized budget, depending on your company's size and complexity. More
How much growth can your company sustain without having to borrow money? Here's how to find out. More
When leads and contracts start to increase, how do you decide when and whether to hire more help? More
When historical data is unreliable, accurate forecasting is difficult. Start from scratch with monthly targets. More
Plan for 2010 using realistic targets for volume, gross profit, and owner compensation. More
The recession has "reset" the economy. Does that mean a step back or a step forward for your remodeling business? More