Since the future is uncertain, what are you doing to ensure that your company is positioned to meet any challenges ó or opportunities ó that arise? Mark Richardson offers some suggestions. More
Remodelers need to adjust to the current economic conditions by setting a new course and navigating carefully. More
We all know that competition in this market is fierce. But who are you really competing against? The answer may surprise you. More
Timing is everything. With business decisions, as with surfing, choosing the right opportunity at the right time is the key to success. More
REMODELING columnist Mark Richardson highlights why you should come out to the 2010 Remodeling Show in Baltimore, Maryland. More
Today the speed and complexity of events can easily knock your life out of kilter. A little discipline can help you get back on track. More
Take a more optimistic view and you'll be more creative in identifying opportunities and more proactive in taking advantage of them. More
A positive mindset reinforces behavior that leads to success under any market conditions. More
Remodeling is a “people business.” Successful companies combine corporate brand awareness with a more personal touch that highlights the people behind the brand. More