Instead of rewarding sales volume, Stebnitz Builders pays its five salespeople a commission based on the gross profit each job earns. More
A good sales manager can increase sales 20% -- but that comes from good management, not through selling that amount. More
Last month we distinguished between pre-sale estimating and post-sale estimating. It's an important distinction, but there are estimating products, developed specifically for remodelers, that handle both. More
Notice that most of the activity from your sales staff comes around paydays. If I sell a job this week and have a chance to get some money from that job, there is more incentive for me to sell that job this week than next. More
How can I train my salespeople not to prejudge prospects? Phil Rea, Phil Rea & Associates, offering professional speaking, a money-making newsletter (Sales Pitch), and a powerful monthly sales meeting by phone to over 1,500 remodeling salespeople nationwide. More
With every prospect you're working, ask yourself what you're leaving to chance. Phil Rea, Phil Rea & Associates, offering professional speaking, money-making newsletter, Sales Pitch, and a powerful monthly sales meeting by phone to over 1,500 remodeling salespeople nationwide. More
I'm often asked what type of person makes the best siding/roofing/window salesperson The learning curve on these products is shorter than it would be for full-service remodeling projects. Someone good at generating his own leads will enjoy more success here, because the need for exterior products can be spotted by just driving down the street or knocking on doors. --Phil Rea is president of Phil Rea and Associates, a firm offering sales consulting, motivational speaking, and a monthly newsletter. More