Within one month, homeowners claim Minnesota's $2.5 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act money for weatherization rebates. More
A Minnesota remodeler cuts overhead and retrains staff in an effort to ride out the rough economy. More
Often, to succeed, you have to get out of your own way. That may be especially true when you run your own business: You can carry all the responsibilities for just so long. You know you need to shed tasks ó replacing yourself in the field, in the office, as a manager ó but a combination of fear and hubris stops you. More
After running Sass Construction for 25 years, Mark Sass (Big50 2002) decided that he needed to create better balance between his work and his life. More
The seasoned worker will stop, analyze, formulate a plan, then work through it. More
Remodeler Mark Sass assigns his carpenters 14-foot enclosed trailers to attach to their trucks for tools and equipment. "It's a reward for working to grow the company and themselves," Sass says. More
Mark Sass uses two-way radios for efficient and fast communication between himself, his office administrator, and his carpenters. Plus, he says his workers aren't tempted to have long conversations like they might be with cell phones. More