Making the most of the existing footprint and incorporating the pantries creates space for two cooks. More
Ask lots of question during the discover phase to see who does what in the kitchen. Your assumptions about gender roles might not be accurate. More
The combination of retiring boomers and the proliferation of cooking shows has led to more men in the kitchen. Itís a trend, Chicagoís Michael Menn, principle of Michael Menn Ltd., has noticed. More
Imagine a world where you can set up private showrooms for your clients online; no client ever disputes who ordered what; a change order takes three minutes to put in place instead of three days; and you have more time to manage construction instead of conversations. More
In her book The Not So Big House, architect and author Sarah Susanka talks about favoring “the quality of space over the quantity.” A nook can be a sheltered, private retreat that has space enough for one. More
Anyone who has ever paid attention to the growth of a child knows they go through growth spurts. The process can be uneven: They sometimes grow up before they fill out or vice versa; they're alternately awkward or sturdy. It's similar for a business. The idea of upward and outward growth is one way to frame a discussion about growth strategies for your company, says Mark Richardson, vice president of Case Remodeling and a REMODELING columnist, who considers a company's growth as vertical or horizontal. More
Event-based marketing is paying off for remodelers everywhere. But which event is right for your company? More
They could have felt like Sisyphus if they'd let themselves. “There were times when things were very tense,” says Michael Menn, architect and principal of Design Construction Concepts, Northbrook, Ill. “The subs were [annoyed], we were being strung out on payments, things were being built and installed and then two weeks later eliminated and eventually added back in ó in another location. More
Control. In a remodeling project, everyone wants it ó contractor, client, architect. In the traditional remodeling process, the three-way struggle for control creates instability. For many remodelers, bringing an architect in-house is the best way to achieve balance. More
Decades past, Americans proudly declared this "nation of immigrants." We celebrated the idea of the United States as a Melting Pot, a nation capable of welcoming and assimilating just about anyone from anywhere who sought refuge or opportunity here. More