Like a lot of other remodelers, Strong Construction in Fremont, Calif., can't afford to waste time with clients who want to push $50,000 where $100,000 should go, or who get fixated on some magic number for a project's cost. But co-owners Steve and Sandy Strong also can't afford to turn away good business, so they bring up the big, bad B word ó budget ó as part of the typical first phone conversation. More
Like many contractors, Rick Pratt is careful to not count his chickens before they've hatched. They then sign this form and give Pratt a deposit check for 10%, which he is entitled to keep even if they decide to back out -- provided that his estimate stays below the quoted price. More
The phone stopped ringing in Tom Davison's Sonoma, Calif., office in early 2001. Not a year after Davison Remodeling celebrated its best earnings ever, the unwanted quiet set off a two-year slide that almost killed the company. More
A name change and marketing makeover turned into a bonanza of market understanding for a Denver remodeler. As a result, Rick Pratt, of the newly renamed Classic Homeworks, expects to continue his 25% annual growth rate. Four University of Denver MBA students each put 80 hours into a thesis to develop demographic research and marketing plans, at no cost to Pratt. More