Like a lot of other remodelers, Strong Construction in Fremont, Calif., can't afford to waste time with clients who want to push $50,000 where $100,000 should go, or who get fixated on some magic number for a project's cost. But co-owners Steve and Sandy Strong also can't afford to turn away good business, so they bring up the big, bad B word ó budget ó as part of the typical first phone conversation. More
Have you outgrown your home office? It's a sign that the time has come to move out of your home office when you keep being woken at dawn by workers knocking on your bedroom window. Habitually drifting into the office in your pajamas is another red flag, as are subcontractors casually interrupting family meals to get a signature or to pick up a check. More
Second-generation companies operate with advantages that first-generation businesses might do well to emulate. More
By REMODELING Magazine Staff. So, we can do these jobs with our remodeling crews and don't need to have separate divisions.Many insurance jobs come up during cold weather, and one benefit of this work is that it provides us with year-round jobs. More
Mike Cordonnier's company is known for its jobsite cleanliness, because on every job, he specs polycarbonate ZipWall Poles to contain dust and debris. The telescoping poles are topped with spring-loaded ZipWall Jacks that clamp plastic sheets, canvas tarps, or drop cloths and brace them against ceilings, screening off work areas from the rest of the home.Cordonnier has even used the poles to brace tub surround panels to walls until adhesives cure. More