Troy Hilton

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Second Look: An Update on Big50 Remodelers Candi and Troy Hilton

A few years ago, Candi and Troy Hilton moved from Kansas to Florida. They're now opening a new remodeling company, New Leaf Construction, in Naples, Fla. More

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Welcoming the immigrant workforce

The future of the remodeling workforce is alive and well in Lincoln, Neb., where the nine employees of diverse-by-design Brighton Construction are still excited about their careers. More

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Protecting clients with discontinued-operation insurance

When Candi and Troy Hilton closed their remodeling company to move to another state, they wanted to make sure clients from their eight years in business were protected. Candi talked to their insurance agent and found out about discontinued-operation insurance. More

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Second Look: Candi and Troy Hilton

This past spring, Stilwell, Kan., remodelers Candi and Troy Hilton (Big50 2003) started planning for the future. Avid sailers and more comfortable in warmer climes, they decided that in 15 years they'd shut down their business and retire. By the end of the summer, they were living in Florida. Fourteen years early. More

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