Best Practice Hardwood Flooring

Best Practice Hardwood Flooring

We install hardwood floors shortly after drywall is completed.

Best Practice Hardwood Flooring

We condition the house post-floor install to keep the moisture content of the wood consistent.

Best Practice Hardwood Flooring

Bona Mega is about 30% less costly than Bona Traffic and is easier to work with because it’s a one part poly (no mixing).

Best Practice Hardwood Flooring

One coat of Bona Mega and this pecan floor is looking fantastic. I like the satin finish, not too shiny, not too matted/dull.

Best Practice Hardwood Flooring

Hard to capture on camera the gloss level of satin. It’s my favorite finish. Notice the floors are finished before cabinet install.

Best Practice Hardwood Flooring

And here’s the finished floor ready for move-in. This picture represents the satin sheen well.

Best Practice Hardwood Flooring

Notice the white base landing on the floor with no shoe moldings.

Best Practice Hardwood Flooring

Best Practice Hardwood Flooring

Best Practice Hardwood Flooring

Best Practice Hardwood Flooring

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