Hanging Heavy Doors, Images 1-8

Hanging Heavy Doors, Images 1-8

Here's how to install top-quality, solid-core doors that weigh 100 pounds or more.

Hanging Heavy Doors, Images 1-8

The jamb assembly is held in the opening between scraps of strapping. A temporary spreader near the bottom maintains a uniform finish opening. The author first cuts the side jambs to compensate for an out-of-level floor.

Hanging Heavy Doors, Images 1-8

With shims at the header pinning the side jambs to the floor, the author screws the top of the hinge jamb to the framing.

Hanging Heavy Doors, Images 1-8

A door-length level clamped to the jamb provides a reference for both plumb and straight, leaving hands free to insert and adjust the shims.

Hanging Heavy Doors, Images 1-8

The author shims the hinge jamb first, directly behind hinge locations and at top and bottom.

Hanging Heavy Doors, Images 1-8

A finish nail through the jamb prevents the shims from loosening. They'll split readily around the nail if further adjustment is needed.

Hanging Heavy Doors, Images 1-8

Plywood clips keep the jamb from moving out of the wall plane when the retaining straps are pulled.

Hanging Heavy Doors, Images 1-8

The author initially installs only the outlying screws so that he can adjust the tapered shims in or out when finetuning the jamb.

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