The quickest way to install the flooring is to pull the pieces over and install them in a stair-step fashion. Usually one of the crew cuts the end pieces while the other continues installing the "steps."
Main Installation
With the end pieces racked upside down and backward, they can be tilted up and the length marked on them. With the stair-step strategy, three or four boards can be marked at a time.
Main Installation
Lines are squared across the boards at the length marks.
Main Installation
The boards are then lined up and the track saw cuts all of them at once.
Main Installation
Where the flooring met the doorway of a closet, the casing trim was cut back using a scrap of flooring as a height gauge.The jamb is kept intact, but the stop is trimmed off as well.
Main Installation
Author scribes pieces for both sides of the doorway, marking the length and width at every critical place.
Main Installation
After it's cut to the scribe lines, the piece is tapped into place using a scrap block to protect the end.
Main Installation
Cutting the tongue end of the board helps it slip into place easily between the jamb pieces.
Main Installation
Near the far wall, the last few courses but one are hand-nailed.
Main Installation
Wedges can be a help fitting this course into place.
Main Installation
The pieces for the final course are set atop the previous course, and a scribing block made from a full-width scrap is used to mark the width on the pieces.