Buffing method. Everything needed by the author for applying hardening oil is shown here.
A fresh can of Pallmann Magic Oil has room for the hardener so it can be mixed in the can.
Some of the mix goes into a plastic squeeze bottle to be applied precisely.
The author immediately rubs it in by hand with a pie-shaped piece of red pad.
He cuts it in neatly to the baseboard, working a swathe about 6 inches wide around the perimeter of the room.
Once the perimeter is cut in, the author fills the center of a red pad with enough oil for a manageable section.
He spreads the oil quickly in a figure 8 to smear it on the surface ...
... and then he methodically works it into the field
When the field is filled in, he and blends this area with the perimeter.
Compared to troweling, buffing the oil on creates the least “spitting.”