After removing the rotted ledger and grinding off the corroded bolts, the author made the first cut to sever the connection between the flitch plate spliced into the rafters and the plate sandwiched between the ledger and the rim joist.
The flitch plates running along the bottom of the gable end were cut and removed in sections.
With the rim joist removed, shoring was added to support the floor structure.
A new LVL beam to support a new rim joist was installed.
To support the new floor beam, the concrete slab had to be repaired and a new framing sill installed.
New joist hangers were installed to support the floor joists.
New LVL posts were installed to support the LVL beam.
The author planed 2x10 stock to pack out the space between the new rim joist and the face of the new beam. It was much quicker and neater to plane down this material than it would have been to cut back all the floor joists to reposition the rim joist in relation to the windows.
Laying in the planed material to pack out the rim joist.
A new LVL was installed to support the windows on the right and left of the gable end.
Once the deteriorated, let-in columns supporting this part of the floor system were removed, the foundation had to be repaired with non-shrink grout.
New, built-up PSL columns were installed to support the LVL beam.
A view of the new LVL beams and PSL columns on an outside corner.
The nearly complete structure. All that remained were short walls between the columns to support new windows and sheathing.