Demo begins with removing the old cedar deck boards.
Moisture-meter readings at the ledger and below windows were abnormally high, indicating possible rot beneath the EIFS cladding. It would need to be removed above and below the ledger for the state of the sheathing to be assessed.
Once the EIFS cladding was cut away, moisture damage to the sheathing was evident.
Before installing the new ledger, workers installed new metal flashing over the EIFS, and an SAF membrane over the sheathing.
The new deck was framed with joists 12 inches on-center. To support the pavers, workers then screwed 2x4 sleepers to the tops of the joists, also 12 inches on-center.
Workers temporarily supported the deck framing with posts while they waited for the new fiberglass columns to arrive.
The project included replacing the original French door leading out onto the deck with a fixed window.
The lower columns were installed after the deck was framed.
Workers added additional steel to the upper columns to provide a solid attachment point for a pergola and to resist both uplift and lateral movement.
A steel plate welded to the base of each column allows it to be bolted to the deck framing.
Paver installation goes quickly. Working from a CAD-generated pattern, workers apply landscaping stone adhesive to the sleepers.
A worker places a paver, leaving a 1/4-inch gap between the ungrouted pavers for drainage.
The pergola’s double support beam is through-bolted to the steel columns.
The vinyl pergola and rails were supplied by the same manufacturer; workers profiled the ends of the rail for a tight fit to the columns.
Stone pavers are a surprising finish on an elevated deck.
A single beam fastened primarily through the window trim and into the framing supports the pergola rafters on the house-side.