How many people does it take to move a house or a barn? It depends on the size of... More
Construction details that prevent fires from spreading from one unit to another. More
One- to four-unit apartment buildings are a good option for single-family home... More
Ready-made business forms; ventilating fan for toilet bowl; generator wheel kit; rack for production door painting; hot wheelbarrow add-ons; more More
Cheap generic nails seem like a bargain up front, but you may pay the price later in jams and misfires. This article explains how to make an intelligent choice in generic nails, and looks at the many new collated specialty nails on the market. More
Tool maintenance isn’t rocket science, but you have to know what you’re doing. When performed regularly, these simple procedures will extend the life of your electric, cordless, and pneumatic tools. More
Foam concrete forms are gaining popularity, both below and above grade. Three builders describe how to assemble three different systems: stackable blocks, large-core molds, and sheet forms. More
A custom builder tells how he financed and marketed his first spec house, and the lessons he learned for future spec houses. More
A remodeler puts a selection of finish nailers to the test at the job site and reports on the results. More