Cordless drywall cutout tool, mortar gun for masonry joints, hammer-in chemical anchors, new roof rail bracket More
Shallow seismic anchor, structural metal roof panels, wrinkleproof roofing felt More
Capturing the earth’s energy with underground heat-exchange loops can cut heating and cooling costs — if it’s done right. An hvac contractor tells what he’s learned from 15 years of installing geothermal heat pumps. More
Q: All of the foundation specs we build on require rebar to be free of rust and mill scale. For years this hasn’t been an issue, until recently when a project manager called us on it. All we can think to do is wire brush the entire lot of rebar. Is this really necessary? More
Q: Our clients are unhappy with the color of their roof now that the house has been painted. The asphalt shingles are less than two years old and are in very good condition. Is there any way to change the color of the shingles without replacing them? More
Q: Our clients are unhappy with the color of their roof now that the house has been painted. The asphalt shingles are less than 2 years old and are in very good condition. Is there any way to change the color of the shingles without replacing them? More
The old rule that sewage runs downhill does not apply here. A plumbing contractor tells how to handle drainage when adding a basement bath. More