When a northeast storm cut a new opening through a barrier beach in the Cape Cod... More
These versatile joint compounds are ideal for small jobs, quick repairs, and tough... More
As varied as remodeling company owners are, they share several personality traits. Most are independent-minded and strong-willed, and they tend to keep their cards very close to their vests. But some are finding that open-book management has made their company more profitable and their employees more accountable. More
Engineered framing, rubber roofing, and an inch of sand form the foundation for a... More
If you don't know much about boatbuilding, start by welding rebar together to... More
Expanded AFCI requirements; trenching turns deadly in Southern California; nicad... More
For a smooth surface, cut the stones to fit and float them into place. More
Stormwater runoff flows right through this porous concrete pavement. More
Skim-coating the walls with setting compound is easier than starting from scratch. More
The fix can be easy or hard depending on the type of coating on the ceiling and on... More