Can you remember all the excitement ... and pain ... when you were starting out in... More
A classic framer's manual is now available as an ebook ... but that's just a footnote to this short lesson in building history. More
The classic framer's manual is now available as an ebook ... but that's just a... More
Knowing the number of teeth you need is a start, but you can’t choose the best blade for the job without knowing something about gullets, grind, and hook angle. More
Don't be one of those cheapskate roofers who skimps on critical flashing. More
There's been very little data to back the claims that roofing tiles designed to reduce pollution actually work. That's all just changed, and the market has been turned on its head. More
Workers replacing an athletic center roof discover evidence of a historic battle. More
Roof tile designed to withstand hail balls of up to 2 inches in diameter at an impact speed of up to 70 mph. More