In this segment of Do the Math, former Remodeling editor Sal Alfano looks at two... More
A lot of contractors answer customer price objections by offering discounts. But... More
How much revenue do you need to cover overhead expense? In this short video, we... More
There are plenty of ways to lose money in the construction business, and one of the easiest is under-charging for labor. More
You hear these terms used interchangeably, as if they were the same. As dollar... More
A clean, well-organized slate can do wonders for your operation More
Are you master or slave to your company's budget? REMODELING consultant Paul Winans suggests you ask yourself these six personal questions to help assure you draft a 2014 budget that achieves what you want most. More
The Internal Revenue Service decreased the standard mileage rates used for computing the deductible costs of operating an automobile for business. More
A fire sprinkler mandate has passed the New Jersey Assembly and has received a favorable committee vote in the state Senate. More
Everyone is looking for ways to save money. These remodelers came up with some great ideas and want you to put them to use too. More