Reporting from Florence, Mark Luzio speculates on the work practices of a famous... More
Here's how to avoid inaccurately priced change orders, which are one of the main... More
Learning to decipher the details on a set of construction drawings is a key skill... More
Matt Risinger walks us through Lowe's for Pros JobSight video chat service, which allows contractors to make virtual jobsite visits. More
Try this communication strategy to keep the project team informed and on-task. More
An inside look at how construction documentation firm Multivista creates a... More
Lawyers can't help you if you don't have files to back up your side of the case,... More
REMODELING consultant Joe Stoddard has visited untold numbers of remodelers who never finished key documents because they weren't "perfect." To that he says: Get over it. Here's a better way. More
You can say goodbye to typing with this contact management app from Evernote, with... More