Planning for the sale of a remodeling company typically takes longer than most owners imagineóabout a year to plan and six or so years to execute. Here's what to keep in mind as you map your path. More
Selling your business to employees or family? Consultant Ken Stiefler explains a strategy that helps both the buyers and sellers. More
To grow the company, remodeler purchases a kitchen and bath company, moves its showroom, and enhances product lines. More
How one North Carolina remodeler is thinking ahead and expanding his business to Maine, where he wants to retire. More
RICK PROVOST points out that since remodeling and construction experience migrate well to safety work, a new career as a safety professional might fit your post-remodeling plans. More
Legacy Remodeling, a family business, is making its transition in leadership gradually. More
Evaluate your company's long-term survival and then decide whether it might be better to come up with an exit strategy. More
Time spent at other remodeling companies helps next-generation remodelers gain insight and learn more about running a remodeling business. More
A unique arrangement provides a former company owner with an active role in the business after its sale. More