Exit Strategy

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Protecting Your Retirement

You've spent years trying to make money. Be sure you've protected your assets when... More

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All-American Hand-Off

Mike Satran is proud of his children. Shelley and Brad Satran aren't just any kids working in the family business. Both graduated from Oregon universities with higher than 3.5 grade-point averages. Both attended college on full-tuition athletic scholarships. Both were named All-American athletes --Brad as a wide receiver, Shelley as a track star. "How many All-Americans do you know?" asks their dad. "And I have two kids who were All-Americans." More

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Plan ahead for retirement: make succession planning a priority

Without an exit strategy, remodelers may find retiring as difficult as staying in business. Remodeler Robbie Robinson is learning that if you expect your business to help pay for your retirement, you'd better plan ahead. Before deciding to pass it on, Robinson had planned to close down the company. More

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Start planning your exit strategy for succession

Gauthier holds control through V (voting) shares, while two employees, Bryan Beauchemin and Steve Podlich, hold N (non-voting) shares. His target of six potential partners is arbitrary, and his vice president, Beauchemin, will exert influence in hiring strong new employees so Gauthier has partners to buy his shares when he leaves. More

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Group decision-making process brings desired results

On those occasions when an individual scores higher than the group, it usually signals that the group leader failed to get everyone's input. Not only that, but -- as survivor games demonstrate -- the group is likely to come up with a better solution. More

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Spin Masters

If life goes according to business plan, an Owens Corning basement finishing system franchise will be Gary Eichhorst's ticket to future retirement. "Once I get it developed the way I want, it will give me an exit strategy because it will have proven revenues year after year." More

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Future Boom? Will baby boomer retirement be a demographic bonanza or a washout for the remodeling industry?

Either that or they sold their homes and moved into childless retirement communities. San Diego marketing consultant Phil Goodman, operator of Boomer Marketing and author of Boomers, The Ageless Generation, predicts that for baby boomers, retirement in the conventional sense is "not an option." A 1998 AARP survey found 8 of 10 baby boomers expect to be working at least part-time during their retirement. More

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Business sale goes awry

LeRoy Kay sold his 30-year-old construction business, Roy Kay Inc. of Freehold, N.J., to New York-based utility firm KeySpan in February of 2000. Newsday reported last August that court papers submitted by the Kays claim KeySpan misled them by not disclosing that SEC regulations would prohibit them from doing general contracting work -- 30% of their business -- after the sale. More

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Strictly Business: Putting Money Away

Tips on saving for retirement More

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Targeting an aging market, up-tick in manu-factured housing, high cost of water hookup More

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