Rockwell unveils four new OMTs that are lighter and more powerful than previous... More
Is augmented reality just a smart-phone party trick or could it be solace for an increasingly populated planet? More
You probably already know how an engine works but this animated infographic illustrates it in a way you haven’t seen before – unless you have x-ray vision like Superman More
A focus on "green" and sustainable remodeling projects and how remodelers can answer their clients' questions about return on investment for those projects. More
Upscale clients respond to sophisticated, high-quality printed marketing materials. More
When you're competing in a sea of upscale remodelers for homeowners already numbed by unsolicited mail, you might be tempted to save your money for another marketing medium. Bruce Wentworth opted instead to make a splash ó an oversized one. More
Critique courtesy of Janet Wagner, Ph.D., associate chair of marketing, R.H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, Wagner holds a B.A. in graphic design from Cornell University; her graduate degree is in marketing. More