The sudden popularity of all things green is exposing builders — whether they know it or not — to new legal risks. There are risks associated with drafting the contract, navigating the permit approval process, and resolving disputes over projects that fail to achieve their sustainability goals. More
In what may become the homeís equivalent of a carís M.P.G., momentum is building for a simple method of scoring a homeís environmental impact. More
JLC talks to four builders with long track records about what it means to build green. More
These two interviews with Michael Anschel and Michael McCutcheon are part of a... More
As consumer interest in sustainable building grows, so does the number of national and local green certification, training, and accreditation programs. Here's a guide to what's on offer. More
Local and national bills and laws in several categories will affect how remodelers do business. More
To improve energy performance of its projects, Byggmeister Associates, in Newton, Mass., conducts a blower-door test to determine airtightness. More
Lumber certification groups battle for identity and brand recognition. More